Last week while the rest of us whimpering about not being at the Star Wars Celebration Orlando, Christine from C. Wright Photography invited us to a Star Wars Photoshoot at Hermann Park. Many were interested but four came. She had sent me the photos last night but I was making my Lightsaber Tonfa Shroud and forgot to upload these:


From L-R: Amber of Alamo City Canary Cosplay as TIE Fighter Pilot, yours truly as Jedi Knight Khaniella Alika, Joe as Jedi Guardian Dalo Roric and Joseph as Kylo Ren

I like being the short one in a group. I get away with Ataru poses like this. Helps me channel my inner Yoda. Hahahaha

Amber from Alamo City Canary as TIE Fighter Pilot levitating me off the ground for misbehaving during the photo shoot

Amber says this is one of her favorite shots. And I can’t blame her.


Just a warning, folks: that’s my mischievous grin…

Darn you, Christine! Where were you when I needed pictures taken for my Rebel Legion Application?!?


WHOA! Who wants to be on the other end of my blaster? Hahaha! God bless Texas. At least I know how to decently look like I can shoot a gun. Oh wait…




I guess my Facebook comment summed up what I felt about this picture:

I’m so critical of myself because I like being technical about my hand/footwork when it comes to sabers. I really love how you captured my hand not gripping the hilt during that Sarlacc Sweep. I look sorta girly (and badass at the same time LOL) holding the hilt like a durn teacup.
And I’m on my toes and the right foot is close enough to 45 degrees out like it’s supposed to. SO HAPPY!!!
I want this for my Rebel Legion trading card!

Yup, I nerded out. Nerded out BIG TIME…


Huge thanks to Christine again for the great pictures and for Amber, Joe and Joseph for coming along! Lotsa love MWAH!!!